CCS University LLB Jurisprudence II question paper 2018 (Subject Code - K-2001)

  LLB 1st Semester Examination - 2018

Law of Crime


Section A

Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks 
  • 1. Dominant and Servient Right
  • 2. Adverse Possession
  • 3. Conventional Law
  • 4. Perfect and Imperfect Right
  • 5. Vicarious Liability

Section B

Note: This section contains three questions. Attempt any one question. Each question carries 20 marks

  • 6. What are various kinds of laws?
  • 7. What are essentials of valid lolcal custom?
  • 8. Write short note on ownership in common and joint ownership.

Section C

Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 30 marks
  • 9. What are the different kinds of legal rights? Mention the different kinds of legal rights.
  • 10. Explain the doctrine of double capacity and double personality.
  • 11. Explain Mens Rea. How it is proved as condition of penal liability?
  • 12. Explain the doctrine of precedent and distiinguish between authoratitive and persuasive decision. 
  • 13. Distinguish between supreme and subordinate legislation. What are different kinds of subordinate legislation?

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