CCS University LLB 4 Sem Labour and Industrial Law question paper 2019 (Subject Code - K-4002)

LLB 4th Semester Examination - 2019
Labour and Industrial Law

Section A (4 Marks question. Attempt all)

  • 1. Explain Lock out
  • 2. What is the remedy if registration of Trade Union is refused?
  • 3. What is the time for payment of wages?
  • 4. What is the penalty for contravention of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 by employer?
  • 5. Is strike a constitutional right? Briefly explain.

Section B (10 Marks question. Attempt any two)

  • 6. Write a short note on 'employee’s entitlement for compensation' and 'the amount of compensation' under the Workman (Employee's) compensation Act 1923.
  • 7. Define 'Factory and Industrial Establishment' under Payment of wages Act, 1936. Also give the difference between both.
  • 8. Write in brief the salient features of Indian Maternity Benefit Act. 1961.

Section C (20 Marks question. Attempt any three)

  • 9. Discuss the employer's liability to pay compensation under the Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923.
  • 10. Define 'Industries' under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.What are its essential attributes? Whether professions and municipal corporations comes under the ambit of the term 'Industry'? Discuss.
  • 11. State the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act 1936 relating to fixation of wages and deductions from wages.
  • 12. Give a brief account of evolution of industrial legislation in India.
  • 13. Write short note on any two of the following
    • Closure
    • Employees Provident Fund
    • Collective Bargaining
    • Lay-off and Lockout

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